St. Paul College Of Bocaue


St. Paul College of Bocaue stands for education for EXCELLENCE and CHARACTER a quality education that is Christ-centered, integrated and transformative through excellent teaching and compassionate caring.


St. Paul College of Bocaue is a Christocentric academic community, imbued with the spirituality of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. Impelled by Christ’s charity, we proclaim Him as the Good News to all, by forming Christ-centered and integrated Paulinians engaged in the transformative service to the Church and society.


St. Paul College of Bocaue is an exemplary Catholic educational institution enlivened by Father Louis Chauvet’s charism and simplicity. We commit ourselves to form morally upright, academically competent, and socially responsive Paulinians in the service of the Church and society by:

  • providing holistic learning experiences
  • utilizing media resources for national consciousness and global alignment
  • offering relevant and meaningful religious and altruistic initiatives; and
  • building communities of disciples

    St. Paul College of Bocaue seeks to assist each individual to:

  • acquire a deeper knowledge and understanding of the teaching of Christ;
  • discover, appreciate, and develop his/her talents and abilities for the service of the community;
  • accept his/her limitations, thus recognizing his/her total dependence on God
  • prepare for a reasonable adult and family life through competence and proficiency in arts and sciences, sound moral, cultural and spiritual value system and wholesome discipline;